1 Nov. 2022
The real estate complex of the former tobacco factory, owned by the Emilia-Romagna Region, will become the headquarters of the new Tecnopolo in Bologna: a center for innovation and experimentation. It will host various institutions and the data center for the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, setting up itself as a European climate change research hub.
The comfort in the ECMWF offices and the cooling of the ECMWF data center are managed by a single joint HVAC system, designed to ensure maximum efficiency with reduced environmental impact.
Specifically, there are 28 w-NEXT 2 K 180, RC branded hydronic close control units for the server rooms, 2 NX-W/ N 0262 heat pumps, 2 NECS-W/ Q 0904 multipurpose heat pumps, 3 WZ-E air handling units, all of which are Climaveneta branded, for year-round conditioning of the offices,and 9 RC branded i-FR-G05-Z/E/S 3602 screw inverter air source chillers, dedicated to cooling the supercomputer.